User Consent Complaint Board
Investing in the stock market carries risks, and we DO NOT promise guaranteed profits or fixed returns. We DO NOT offer recommendations or services through platforms like Instagram/Etc. Payments should be made to Easy Share Services current account only; we DO NOT accept payments to personal accounts. Trading in stock market can lead to gains or losses, including the risk of losing your initial investment. Before you join us, make sure to carefully read our disclaimer, legal disclaimer, terms and conditions, refund policy and other company policies.
Investing in the stock market carries risks, and we DO NOT promise guaranteed profits or fixed returns. We DO NOT offer recommendations or services through platforms like Instagram/Etc. Payments should be made to Easy Share Services current account only; we DO NOT accept payments to personal accounts. Trading in stock market can lead to gains or losses, including the risk of losing your initial investment. Before you join us, make sure to carefully read our disclaimer, legal disclaimer, terms and conditions, refund policy and other company policies.
Investing and trading in the stock market is risky because gains and losses can be magnified due to leverage. Our research service offers trading ideas with specified target and stop loss, but it's up to you to decide whether to execute the trade. We don't take any responsibility for the losses you might experience in the market. Our service is only meant to provide information, guidance or research to help clients make their own trading decisions but it’s not personalized investment advice. We don't offer trade execution services.
Investing and trading in the stock market is risky because gains and losses can be magnified due to leverage. Our research service offers trading ideas with specified target and stop loss, but it's up to you to decide whether to execute the trade. We don't take any responsibility for the losses you might experience in the market. Our service is only meant to provide information, guidance or research to help clients make their own trading decisions but it’s not personalized investment advice. We don't offer trade execution services.

Legal Disclaimer

Easy Share Services is not responsible for the information and conclusions of the analysis available on it. Although all the information on the Web site is presented with utmost care, we do not hold any responsibility for the information provided. Customers and visitors should not depend on analysis for making an investment, the analysis should be considered as a first step to further their awareness of the subject. They must consult a financial advisor. None of our expert analyst should be relied upon as financial advisor. Visitors to Web site must go through Terms and Conditions and Disclaimer before making any serious investment-related decisions. Easy Share Services is not responsible for the errors and omissions on the page. We do not endorse opinions of experts which may be their own personal views. Web site and management is not to be considered responsible for content of the Web site.

You agree and understand that use of Easy Share Services is at your risk. Easy Share Services is not liable to any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages. Failures in the hardware, software, and Internet connection can delay the delivery of SMS which is not the responsibility of Easy Share Services. SMS of Easy Share Services is not supposed to be forwarded directly to any individual or firm to send suggestions. This can invite serious legal actions. Any dispute will be solved in the territory of India only at Thane, Navi Mumbai. Easy Share Services reserves the right to modify Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. All the information, analysis reports, and articles on the Web site are only to inform the customer and should be used at owns risk.

Easy Share Services provides a virtual chat room for the conversation. However, the visitor is solely responsible for his decisions in case of loss or benefit. We reserve the right to deny the chat room service without giving an explanation. Any opinion, comment, experience, advice, and offer available on the site is just a piece of information nothing else. We presume that all the visitors to the site have thoroughly gone through the disclaimer and terms and conditions.


Easy Share Services does not receive any consideration by way of remuneration or compensation or in any other form whatsoever, by us or any of our associates or subsidiaries for any distribution or execution services in respect of the products or securities for which the research service is provided to the client. Easy Share Services does not provide any order execution services to any user/subscriber. If any person offers an order execution service in the name of Easy Share Services, the user should immediately deny such services and report to us about the same. If the user/subscriber accepts such services, then Easy Share Services or its promoter/s, employees, representatives, and/or stakeholders are not responsible for any losses/gains or any outcome that may arise due to any such activities. The user/subscriber agrees to indemnify Easy Share Services or its promoter/s, employees, representatives, and/or stakeholders from any losses or damages that the user may incur from any such execution services activities agreed upon by the user on his/her/their own accord. The user agrees that he/she/they have taken services offered by Easy Share Services or any of its subsidiaries only after having read and accepted the term and conditions of services provided by us.

Easy Share Services does not recommend a stock/commodity broker. If any stock/commodity broker is recommended by any of our representatives, we do not receive any consideration by way of remuneration or compensation or in any other form whatsoever from the stock/commodity broker or any other intermediary so recommended to the client.

To ensure compliance with the SEBI(Research Analysts) Regulations, 2014, we have resolved that the research analyst and all its representatives will not make any trades in the market in the securities/instruments covered in our research services. We are not associated in any manner with any issuer of products/ securities, this ensures that there are no actual or potential conflicts of interest. This also ensures that objectivity or independence in the carrying on of our research providing services is not compromised. Investment in stock/commodity markets is subject to market risk, though best attempts are made for predicting markets, no surety of return or accuracy of any kind is guaranteed, while the performance sheet of various products is available but should not be considered as a guarantee for future performance of the products/services. Clients are suggested to consider all the research reports as just an opinion and make investment decisions of their own accord.

In case of clients seeking research on any specific positions already made by the client, we will be able to suggest the best possible action considering our view on the security or product. Such a suggestion under any circumstances shall be considered as an opinion (not advice) from our organization and we suggest the client consider our opinion and not consultancy to make his/her final decision. We are not liable for any losses whatsoever the client may incur in accepting this opinion.

It is also suggested that the Client should only trade if our research calls suit his/her/their current risk profile and risk-bearing capacity, all such research calls shall be considered as a view or opinion and the client shall on his/her/their discretion decide actual trades.

We are not associated with any intermediaries and do not recommend the services of any specific intermediaries.

No litigations have been filed against us since the incorporation.

All the research services which are suggested by us are communicated in written, nonverbal communication by any of our executives or otherwise under any circumstances shall be considered as research services by our organization.

Standard Disclaimer:

Easy Share Services is an independent SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) registered equity research providing firm operating under the license of it’s proprietor. Easy Share Services or its promoter, employees, directors & stakeholders may have had or may have in future positions in the stocks/instruments covered by us in our research reports/communications.

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